Traditional Combodia Clothing


en5(1)Sampot Chang Kben

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The history of Sampot Chang Kben dates back to ancient Cambodia, where deities were often portrayed wearing such styles. References to most Khmer elders told a legend related to this garment; it said that a long time ago, the Khmer people worn Sampot Chang Kben, followed by Indian. In those times, India provided many religions, but the most important one was Hindism, as the Khmer King at that time built the temples such as Angkor Wat, also dedicated to Hindism. In the era of the Khmer empire, most of the people were likely to read and see The Reamker at the Angkor Wat carving in the first floor as well. The origin of Sampot Chang Kben is known as Indian. Also prayed and blessed to was a deva known asHanuman, the guard of Prince Rama in Indian’s famous mythology, Ramayana, as well as the Khmer adaptation, Reamker. To show its power, Indians preferred to wear the Sampot Chang Kben as their costume but today, countries under the Greater India, such as Cambodia, also wear it for special occasions.[1]

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